Give Generously, Sacrificially, Cheerfully

God generously gives us His love. God sacrificially gave His Son, Jesus. God cheerfully provides our needs. Therefore, God is pleased when we give of our finances in the same manner: generously, sacrificially and cheerfully. God's giving system ensures that all the needs of His house and His people will be met. It is His order for using His Church to spread the gospel to the world.  We are thankful to committed members giving and for all who send donations to help us live out our God-given mission.   Thank you for giving to this ministry and through this ministry for God's glory.

Why We Give

The scriptures teach us why we give. We give out of our obedience for Who God is, and for what He has done for us through Jesus. Giving of our treasure and finances is first noted in Genesis with Abraham, and continues to the early church disciples. They gave beyond a tenth, including liberal offerings - not only out of obedience, but also out of their love for God.  







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